בחסות פדרציית: Panamaכתובת: Panama
יו"ר סניף: Selma Zalcer
For me, WIZO is the direct connection with Israel, the most tangible way in which I can contribute to our medina from the diaspora. Since its creation, throughout its history, and in the coming generations, it will keep us connected, always adapting to the needs and priorities of disadvantaged Israeli society. WIZO always is helping build education and a future for the Israeli society in need. WIZO's role is to ensure the future generations of Zionist leaders in the diaspora by bringing Zionists into their homes. Although WIZO Panama is a vibrant federation, with many young people involved, there is still a lot of work to be done. We need to connect with more young girls to understand the importance of reinforcing their Zionism and how our work benefits Israel its society and in the end all Jews in the world. WIZO has been part of my daily life for 47 years since I assumed the presidency of the Rebeca Sieff group in Panama. At that moment it was a group of newly married young women. My love and commitment to the organization have always been latent within me, and my family. B"H it will be like this all my life.